Cross-cultural negotiation and cultural intelligence. Understanding the challenges of a more culturally and ethnically diverse management

  • Edward Tamayo Duque Institución Universitaria Esumer
Palabras clave: Business Communication, Business Management, Intercultural Communication, International Communication


During the last decade, and especially since 2017 the quantity of MNC’s migrating to Colombia has risen and it has brought different challenges to negotiations as this process has also become more culturally and ethnically diverse. This article is divided in three main segments seeking to demonstrate how cross-cultural studies can be applied to negotiations through the idea of cultural intelligence. The first part will take statistics about FDI in the world and how it spreads cultural differences when companies around the world have migrated to other countries relying on a managerial style. The second part will describe the challenges of being more culturally and ethnically diverse delimitating it in the context of centralized or decentralize management. Finally, it will develop a background to comprehend cross-cultural negotiation studies in the field of cultural intelligence as an approach to understand cultural differences instead of generating theories with standards of behavior based on cognitive prejudgment.


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Biografía del autor/a

Edward Tamayo Duque, Institución Universitaria Esumer

Bachelor’s degree in International Business Management. MSc in Philosophy. Assistant Professor and researcher at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Circular 1 No. 70-01, Bloque 6, Piso 2, Medellín, Colombia, Teléfono: +57 448 8388 Ext. 12019. Professor at Institución Eucativa Esumer. Former Professor at Universidad EIA. Former Research Leader at Universidad Católica de Oriente for “Grupo de Ivestigación FACEA” and Former Director at Universidad de San Buenaventura for International Business Faculty.  E-mail: [email protected]


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